
Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

  Hi again  Because I am first year, I have not had many subjects in the university in reality I only have six subjects and english obviusly. But one that I liked is Scientist Reasoning and Communication is like an introduction to biochemistry. Where we saw important chileans biochemicals, the contribution of the biochemistry and also read a some papers. I learn of the importancy the biochemistry and what biochemist we can do. Before I had the subject I thought it was going to be boring and little difficult, but it is not. I enjoy because I learn new and interesting things. Althoug in the school always I very liked biology but in the university I have not had. Also I very like chemistry and in the univerisity I have general chemistry 1 but is not very funny because for the pandemic we could not go to the laboratories (I think in general chemistry 1 it was going to the labs but I am not sure hahaha) We learned basic chemistry Thanks for reading 💖

Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire

  Hello again 💓 Today I am going to talk about María Cecilia Hidalgo Tapia She is a graduate in Biochemistry and the first Doctor in Sciences of the University of Chile.  She was also a professor at our faculty, at the faculty of Medicine in our university and the Center for Scientific Studies. She is director the FONDAP Center for Molecular Studies of the Cell and is also vice-president of the Advisory Council of Fundación Ciencia Joven. Maria Hidalgo has more thaan 70 publications in international journals. She is at the present studying the molecular mechanisms that are activated by transient increases in intracellular calcium concentration in neurons and in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Why do I admire her? Because She was the first woman to obtain a Doctorate in Science.   She was awarded the Amanda Labarca Medal of Merit. In 2006 she was the first woman to receive the National Award in Natural Sciences. Because she proved that science is not only ...

Post 6: How can your mayor make the world a better place?

  Hello again. How can my speciality make the world a better place? My career which is biochemistry can help people and make the world a beter place for example by making scientific advances such as knowing some components of DNA that are related to diseases to cure them or treat them in advance and not significantly affect the lives of people. Also develop medical treatmeents or a cure for certain diseases that still do not have it such as cancer, Alzheimer, Lupus, etc. Or to develop vaccines or medically to treat diseases. And thus, make people live longer and most importantly to have a better qualities of life and can enjoy life without so many worries. I would like in this process to work in some laboratory making scientific advances and to be able to find a cure or treatment for the diseases that people suffer and do not have a cure. Thanks for reading 💖

Post 5: A photo and its story

  Hello again 💓 I was looking for photograph that interesting and I found a photo that my best friend showed me somo time ago, it is a photo taken by the Nasa Hubble telescope on my birthday, there is a page on the internet where you can search the photo taken by the telescope on you birthday, this is the link  https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/what-did-hubble-see-on-your-birthday This is a photograph that interesting me because I have always liked the universe, it is very interesting because we do not know that is in space and the interesting things that we could find, hopefully someday we will know everything that is out there.  It is also a very nice picture where you can see Andromeda Galaxy Halo is shown where you can see a cluster of stars and galaxies that are very far away.  Thanks for reading  And I hope you look for the photograph taken by the telescope on his birthday.

Post 4: A meal or food you really like

 Hello again It´s hard to talk about my favorite food because I´m very indecisive. I have many foods that I like. One of my favorite food is french fries, they are very tasty and crunchy, but they are not healthy eating in excess is harmful to health. Another of my favorite food is spaghettis with tomato sauce and cheese, wich my brother cook, though when I cook it is never as delicious as my brother. Other of my favorite foods are ice cream, especially the chocolate and strawberries. Or vanilla cookies with chocolate chips my mom teach me how to make. I also like fruits very much, especially pineapple, watermelon, strawberries and tangerine, but I don´t like melon and mango, I don´t like the taste.  Some foods I don´t like are vegetables, I don´t eat them much. I don´t like meat or eggs. Thanks for reading 💓

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

 Hi again everybody, today we talk about technology My favorite piece of technology is my computer, in the pandemic my computes has been very important to me because I use it for almost everything. I use it to watch movies, series or videos on youtube hahaha, listen to music, make the video calls and play with my friends or my family, but I also use it to see the online class of the university, to do homework, to study, this is what I use it for most and the most important. Although it bores and exhaust using the computer for a long time. I would recommend having a computer because it is very necessary in the pandemic to study or work online, but the bad use for many hours the computer is the headache,back pain and the exhaustion in the eyes. As always thanks for reading <3

Post 2: Why did you choose my major?

 Hello again, everyone. This is very difficult for me, because I never had it clear. When I was little I wanted to be a doctor like everyone hahaha, but it wasn´t seriously. I also wanted to be a veterinarian, a teacher, painter, gymnast or scientist. When I finished high school last year, I didn´t know what to do, many options of what to study were science teacher or nursing. What I did know was that I really liked science since I was a little and one day I found Biochemistry and I really liked it. My university experience is only online classes, sometimes they are bit boring, but I have met very nice people. When I finished my career I would like to work in a laboratory and speacialize in virology. Thanks for reading